Boda Boda business is one of the most lucrative business ideas in Kenya. With proper management, Boda Boda and Tuk Tuk business can give the owner a secured self-employmet job.
I have known many people who run Boda Boda business and are well off. With proper management and planing, Bodaboda riders can make a very lucrative job.
Interested in this business? I have got a tip for you. Do you want to enter into the Boda Boda business but you lack capital to start? Don't worry. In this post am going to reveal to you the best places to get a Boda Boda loan to kick start your business.
Boda Bodas available in Kenya include: Yamaha, Suzuki, Bajaj, TVS , King Bird , Hero, Honda etc .
BodaBoda bike |
I have known many people who run Boda Boda business and are well off. With proper management and planing, Bodaboda riders can make a very lucrative job.
Interested in this business? I have got a tip for you. Do you want to enter into the Boda Boda business but you lack capital to start? Don't worry. In this post am going to reveal to you the best places to get a Boda Boda loan to kick start your business.
What are The Requirements For BodaBoda Loans
Most BodaBoda loan providers require the following:
- Copy of ID
- Copy of KRA pin
- Copy of Driving License
- Guarantors
- Initial Deposit
- 3 months mpesa statement
Boda Bodas available in Kenya include: Yamaha, Suzuki, Bajaj, TVS , King Bird , Hero, Honda etc .
Boda Bodas Loan Providers in Kenya
- Progressive Credit Kenya
- Bimas Kenya Limited
- Bike Lending Services Ltd
- Watu Credit Ltd
- KCB Bank Boda Boda Loan
- Mogo kenya
- Pionner
- JoyInc Solutions ltd
Depending on the lender , one can pay in monthly installments up to 2 yrs .
Most lenders require the BodaBoda rider to make an initial deposit before being given the motorcycle but other lenders like JoyInc Solutions ltd give BodaBodas without any deposit. You can also get second hand BodaBoda loans from Mogo Kenya.
Watu Credit BodaBoda loans
Watu credit provide Boda loans to riders with a down payment of Kes 15,000.Watu credit BodaBoda loans are considered best and are spread across the country.
Contact Watu credit through: +254 709 739 000
Mogo Kenya BodaBoda loans
Mogo Kenya also provide a premium BodaBoda loans across the country.
With kes 20,000 as down payment you are ready to ride your own bike and pay the rest in equal daily,weekly or even monthly installments. Mogo Kenya also provide Second hand or used BodaBoda loans.
Contact Mogo Kenya through: +254 768 469 112
Bike Lending Services ( BLS)
Bike Lending Services is a BodaBoda loan provider that offer cheap BodaBoda loans in Nairobi. BLS provide motorcycle brands such as Honda,Yamaha,TVs among others.
Contact Bike Lending Services through: +254 20 440 3090
Progressive Credit BodaBoda loans
Progressive credit offer loans to Kenyan at a low interest rate. BodaBoda loans from Progressive Credit can also be accessed via The Nawiri App.
For more information contact Progressive Credit through:
+254 702 698 577
Bimas Kenya Ltd BodaBoda loans
Bimas Kenya ltd provide BodaBoda loans to young entrepreneurs who wish to venture into BodaBoda business but lack capital
Bimas Kenya ltd provide BodaBoda loans up to a maximum of kes 200,000 with repayment period of up to 18 month, make a down payment of kes 14,000 and make daily repayment of kes 380.
For more information contact Bimas Kenya through:
+254 701 111 700
Pioneer Credit BodaBoda loans
Pioneer credit offer BodaBoda loans to riders up to 80% of the value of the BodaBoda. The rider has to deposit only 20% as the initial deposit.
For more information contact Pioneer credit through:
+254 701 777 000
In Conclusion
Before applying for a motorbike loan, borrowers should assess their financial situation and ensure they can afford the loan repayments. Defaulting on a loan can have serious consequences, including legal action and damage to one's credit score.
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